How to Configure Sendmail to Allow Email Relay from a Specific IP? Read the article to learn more.
Email Relay involves forwarding email messages from one server to another. When configured, Sendmail can accept and forward emails from a trusted IP address without further authentication.
- Root or Sudo Access: Administrative privileges are required for configuration.
- Backup Configuration Files: Always back up the Sendmail configuration files to prevent data loss:
sudo cp -r /etc/mail /etc/mail.bak
How to Configure Sendmail in 6 Steps
Step 1: Edit the Access Database
The access database controls which systems can relay emails via Sendmail.
Open the Access File:
Edit the /etc/mail/access file using a text editor:
sudo vim /etc/mail/access
Add IP Address Entry:
Allow relaying for a specific IP address by adding:
Replace XXX.XXX.X.XXX with the desired IP address.
Allow Multiple IPs:
To allow relaying for multiple IPs, add a line for each IP in the same format:
Connect: RELAY
Connect: RELAY
Save and Exit:
Save the file and exit the editor.
Step 2: Rebuild the Access Database
Rebuild the access database to make the changes effective.
Run the following command to create a new access.db file:
sudo makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access
Step 3: Edit the Main Configuration File
Open sendmail.mc:
Edit the /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file:
sudo vim /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
Uncomment Authentication Options:
Ensure the authentication line is not commented out. Modify:
dnl define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS’, `A p’)dnl
define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS’, `A p’)dnl
Check for SMTP Authentication (optional):
If SMTP authentication is used, verify this line exists:
FEATURE(`authinfo’, `hash -o /etc/mail/authinfo/authinfo.db’)dnl
Save and Exit:
Save changes and close the file.
Step 4: Regenerate Configuration Files
Compile the changes into the sendmail.cf file.
Run the following command:
sudo make -C /etc/mail
Step 5: Restart the Sendmail Service
Restart the Sendmail service to apply the new configuration.
Restart Command:
sudo service sendmail restart
Verify Service Status (optional):
Check if the service is running correctly:
sudo service sendmail status
Step 6: Test Email Relay
To confirm the setup, send a test email from the configured IP address.
Send Test Email:
Run the following command:
echo “Test email from $(hostname -f)” | mail -s “Test Email” recipient@example.com
Check Logs:
Review mail logs for success or error messages:
sudo tail /var/log/maillog
Important Considerations no one will tell you about sendmail
1. Open relaying can expose the server to spam abuse. Restrict relaying strictly to trusted IP addresses.
2. Regularly review /var/log/maillog for suspicious activity or unauthorized relay attempts.
3. Combining IP-based relay with SMTP authentication adds an extra layer of security.